Advertise with wild med

Medical Job opening? Products or Partnership?

Are you looking for medical professionals to fill your open medical positions or need more recognition for your outdoor product, gear or website. Look no more, as we have those adventurers here on our doorstep. Our clients are unique in that they enjoy getting outdoors, love to travel and have the financial means to buy your product.

Job Opportunities: Many physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and remote medics come to our site for our unique adventure CME courses - why not share your medical opportunities with them here. If your position is located in a naturally beautiful, remote, exotic or outdoor enthusiast paradise than you are marketing to the right crowd with "Wild Med Adventures" clients. Many of our clients ask us about locums, remote medical staffing, or places surrounded by outdoor activities, so here is your chance to share your opportunities with them. We limit our "Job Posts" to only 1 featured listing / month and 10 regular listings for both categories: Physicians & PA's/NP's .  We are looking for those positions that fit our customers needs - remote, beautiful, international or national with lots of outdoor activities nearby!

Partnership: Gear/Website/Products: Do wish to get your product in front of the eyes of proven travel enthusiasts with the income to buy the newest and latest outdoor products or need more followers/recognition online? We have the audience that would love to see what you have to offer.

Put your logo on our website as a proud sponser and get great exposure with minimal cost.

We are also happy to help advertise your unique medical tool / splint/ med kit / bandages especially if we find them unique and something that offers advantage to our clients. Contact us if you have something to share and we can work with you to create your message.

  • One Featured Job Listing per Month

  • Enjoy Flat "Month to Month" Listing Fees with your choice of 6-month or 12-month discounts

  • Pictures, links, and your own dedicated page to describe why we might enjoy your location / product

  • No word limit when it comes to describing your position / gear / company

  • Easy pricing and guaranteed satisfaction with your listing or we will change it to fit your needs

  • Rotating Position of your Ad to give you the best opportunity to be seen

Volunteer Opportunities: Please send us your Company website & information and we will review the volunteer posting and we will post "Free of Charge" depending on availability, job description and at our discretion. 

If you are interested in advertising your medical position or volunteer opportunity with us, please email us @

**Please note, once an agreement has been made, we guarantee no price change until contract has expired. We do have the rights to change listing fees after your contract has been fulfilled.